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May 06, 2022 2 min read

You know what's not fun? Carrying a pair of one-year-olds to the beach while pulling a 75 lb wagon filled to the brim with beach "necessities" is not fun. We could rarely make the trek in one trip and there were always expletives uttered. However, my husband and I love the beach and wanted to pass this appreciation on to our progeny. Fast forward 3 year later and I have learned a few lessons to lighten the load whether going to the beach for a day or the week. Check out of tips below and let us know if you have any of your own in the comments. 

1. Forget Ice

Freeze water bottles instead of buying a bag of ice. The bottles will keep all your snacks cool and when they melt you can drink them. Double props if you can get reusable ones

2. Ditch Towels for a Giant Beach Blanket

Towels are bulky and heavy, especially with a layer of sand and salt water. Keep the beach towels at home and bring a compact beach blanket. They're lightweight and big enough for several people to plop on. 

3. Soft Sided Cooler

A soft side cooler is MUCH lighter than the hard, bulky monstrosities. My personal preference is the back pack style. On overnight trips I can pack it with clothes and use as luggage. 

4. Sharing is Caring

If you're going to the beach with other families or friend coordinate on some of the big stuff or even the little stuff ahead of time. There's really no need for 4 tents, 7 bottles of sunscreen, 3 frisbees and 12 bags of chips. A little planning can go a long way in keeping your sanity at the beach.

5. Just Say No to Beach Chairs. 

Inflatable couches inflate without a pump and are super comfortable. I may have fallen asleep in a few. Plus, they are uber portable and lightweight. 

6. Par Back the Toys

Kids toys are the worst at taking up space. Try limiting littles to a pail and shovel. Kids are naturally creative and will find ways to have fun without a lot of "stuff" The beach is a great place to discover fun and exciting objects. 

7. Save Beer. Drink Liquor.

I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with this one. For some, a day at the beach is synonymous with a cold beer in your hand. However, from a space perspective beer is heavy. Pre-making a batch of strong cocktails may be the way to go to cut down on coolor space. Freeze them to keep other items cool just like water bottles for a nice slushie later in the day.