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March 16, 2022 2 min read

The weather is warming and spring is right around the corner. Across the country, countless boats are being pulled from winter storage and getting towed, hauled, and shipped to the water. You may be anxious to take your craft for a ride, but before you do, take some time to ensure your boat is prepared for your next excursion. Here, we’ll discuss how to get your boat ready for spring!

Wash the Hull

Before doing anything else, give the hull a nice wash. Remove any dirt, dust, sand, or grime that may be attached to the exterior, and consider applying a coat of wax to the hull. This will not only make your hull look great, but it will help protect it through the upcoming spring, summer, and fall.

Wipe Down and Vacuum the Interior

The interior is next. Take a vacuum cleaner and clean out the interior, then wipe down the seats and upholstery with a high-quality cleaning product. A product intended for marine use is best, as it will protect your seat covers from sun damage.

Test the Bilge Pump

You don’t want to wait until you’re on the water to find out that the bilge pump isn’t working. Give it a test before leaving for the lake or sea. Simply pour some water into the bilge and turn the pump on to make sure it’s going strong.

Charge and Test the Battery

Whether you detached the batteries for the winter or left them on the boat, you should now charge them so they’re ready for your first adventure. Make sure all batteries are functioning as needed and replace any that are weak.

Test All Lights

Many boaters never think about the lights until they’re on the water and it starts to get dark. Take a moment to test the lights on all corners of the boat and replace any bulbs.

Get Out Your Safety Gear

Take all of your safety gear out of storage and place it in the boat. Check everything for quality. If anything needs to be replaced, head to the store and purchase what you need.

Double Check Your Registration

It’s easy to let your boat registration lapse. Before going out on the water, make sure your boat is licensed. While you’re at it, check that insurance is up-to-date and paid.

Locate the Drain Plug

Finally, don’t forget the drain plug. Every year, boaters launch their craft without the drain plug in place. Avoid this embarrassing mistake by finding the plug and putting it in place before heading to the water.

Article courtesy of Scout Boats. If you're in the market for a new market contact Scout Boats.